Life Simply, be inspired.

With nothing but patience and a little time, you can create to your hearts desire while promoting good health (in some cases) and freedom from external supply chain issues. Can be very beneficial for those with diet restrictions

Homemade wine, easy and delicious

Homemade wine can be made with as little as 4 ingredients!

Fermenting wine: My cran-apple with a hint of ginger.
Keep your glass! Sanitize and re-use!
Don’t store your alcohol with lids, unless treated with alcohol suppressing additives. Makes for quite a mess, you will be heart broken.
Sugar infusions with fruit make great simple syrups.
Vinegar is easy and delicious! Here are fermenting figs from my garden.
Re-use your fermented figs, freeze for future dishes.
Aging Fig Vinegar, cap when it meets your tasting requirement.